Aesthetic Singapore: Chemical peels offer gentle exfoliation that aids in the removal of damaged outer layers of the skin while helping stimulate healthy re-growth of healthy skin via the body's natural regenerative processes to make your skin brighter and more radiant as a whole.

Chemical peels are used to treat the following:
Acne or Acne Scars
Sun-damaged Skin
Wrinkles, Fine Lines and Aging Skin
Freckles / Irregular Skin Pigmentation
How It Works

Before the peels are applied, the skin is first prepped thoroughly using a medical degreaser to ensure the treated area/s is free of any oils left on the skin. After the cleansing process, the chemical peel is then applied evenly onto the skin and left there for an average period of 3-5 minutes under close observation. Once the time period has passed or if your doctor/therapist deem it necessary, the peel is carefully removed at the right time and sunblock is applied to the treated area/s immediately. Chemical peels require little to no recovery time thus patients can return to their daily activities immediately after treatment.
Aesthetic Singapore: Mendis Aesthetics continues to offer technologically advanced, non-invasive, non-surgical treatments to reverse the effects of aging.
Check out our website at www.drmendis.com or simply call us at +65-6235-1728, to find out more about our treatments, products and services.
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